3 Facts About The People Behind The Business, Collage and Wood | Collage and Wood

3 Facts About The People Behind The Business, Collage and Wood

Crystal Waddell
3 fun facts about the family behind Collageandwood.com

In case you're new around here, I wanted to make sure I introduced "ourselves" - we are the family behind Collage and Wood, Inc.!

I'm Crystal, and this is my husband Jon and our son Asher. Jon and I are both teachers in Fayetteville, NC. and we started this company while I was a stay at home mom. What began as a way to help us make ends meet has turned into a labor of love that has grown beyond my wildest expectations! 
If you could do anything, what would it be?
My favorite activity is creating senior night gifts for high school and college athletes.3 Fun Facts About The Family Behind collageandwood.com Its always fun to get an NFL athlete as well :)
We've created a fun family company that specializes in special photo props, particularly 2021 senior photo props. custom wooden cutouts and collages. In our spare time Jon loves to tutor math and Asher loves sports. Big surprise, right? I’d love to give you a sneak peak into my life behind the scenes. You can find me on Instagram, @collageandwood.

Here's 3 Fun Facts About Us: 

1. In his spare time, Jon loves to tutor Math and SAT prep.
2. Asher wants to be on Ninja Warrior.
3. Jon and I are both Special-Needs PE teachers for our day jobs.
Did you learn anything that surprised you? What’s your name and what do you love to do???
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